Project Leader - Youth Development

This is a live-in position. The Project Leader resides with a group of youth Participants in one of Katimavik’s project houses across Canada. Various locations across Canada.
The salary is $34,000 per year. Katimavik will cover living expenses (rent, groceries, cell phone, utilities, travel at the beginning and end of the project, travel home at Christmas).
- Extroverted leader with an adventurous attitude?
- Enjoy dealing positively with change and finding creative new solutions?
- Eager to travel and live in a new community?
- Do you like to inspire young people to do more, learn more, and become more?
- Do you have a sense of purpose? Do you want to create a positive change by giving back to other people and communities?
- Are you emotionally intelligent and good at resolving conflicts?
- Do you want to develop a greater self-awareness and a tolerance for differences?
- Assess, develop, implement, and evaluate goal-directed interventions.
- Enhance the quality of life for youth.
- Work in an evolving and expanding profession.
- Build career networking relationships.
- Help youth with physical, mental, intellectual, neurological, emotional, and behavioural issues.
- Inspire and challenge youth to create a positive change in communities through group volunteering.
- Promote and support the “learn by doing” (experiential learning) process to equip youth with new skills and competences.
- Create and build strong community partnerships with municipal authorities, local non-profits, charities, community organizations, etc.
- Foster meaningful relationship with local Indigenous communities and organizations to facilitate Truth and Reconciliation learning and activities.
- Cultivate active, informed, and reflective citizenship in youth.
- Oversee program schedules and day-to-day housekeeping activities for a group of 11 diverse youth. The group rotates once within one six-month project term.
- Perform administrative duties (including, but not limited to, budgeting and expense tracking).
- Emotional intelligence, people (interpersonal), and conflict resolution skills.
- Adaptability and flexibility.
- A high degree of open-mindedness and tolerance, a strong understanding of equity, equality, and diversity principles.
- Previous experience working directly with youth.
- Crisis management skills.
- Strong written and oral communication skills, and the ability to communicate fluently in both official languages.
- The ability to manage a house and the house inventory, keep track of a budget, and perform various administrative duties.
- A driver's license is required.
This is a live-in position. The Project Leader resides with a group of youth Participants in one of Katimavik’s project houses across Canada.
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Notre mission Soutenir le développement des jeunes de tous horizons afin qu’ils deviennent des citoyens engagés, altruistes et outillés à exercer un leadership dans l’amélioration du pays. Katimavik collabore avec d’autres organismes pour favoriser la compréhension, le respect et la...
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