Welcome to the section of our site dedicated to people looking for jobs.
By signing up for free as a job seeker, you can create a profile (a simplified résumé), receive new job listings instantly, apply online, and add jobs you're interested in to your favourites.
Here are some of the many advantages to signing up for free to use our interactive job platform.
1. Look through our job offers using our search engine.
Whether you are looking for work in administration, accounting, construction, finance, management, engineering, the restaurant industry, sales, procurement, customer service, and much more, you will be able to consult the list of jobs available in your region with the help of our job search engine.
2. Create an account using a social network.
3. Create a profile.
Create a profile (simplified résumé), find out about new job postings instantly (job notifications), apply online, and add jobs you're interested in to your favourites.
4. Share information on your social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.).
E-mail information on job offers to your friends.
5. Apply online for job posted here.
6. Set your job update preferences and get e-mails about the jobs you're most interested in.
Applying for a job?
Sign up now and start actively managing your career.