Expanded Role Nurse in remote regions (QC & NU)

You want to be prepared and equipped for the Far North? You’d like to be guided and listened to? You wish to be supported 24/7 during your adventure? Come and join the team who will offer you a unique experience!
As a substitute nurse working in an expanded role, this is what a typical day could look like:
- Provide emergency care 24/7 at all levels
- Assess patients in a comprehensive way using systematic approach SOAP
- Promote health and disease prevention when you do a community health follow-up
- Use assessment tools and techniques usually reserved for other healthcare professionals
- Enjoy the Far North’s breathtaking landscapes
- Make a difference in First Nations and/or Inuit communities
This job is for you if:
- You like adventure
- You have good clinical judgment
- You want to extend your skills and keep your knowledge up to date
- You want to provide high quality care
- You like flexibility
- You would like to avoid traffic and stress it can cause
- You can work in English
- You have a valid RN license
- You have relevant experience as an RN (emergency, pediatrics, obstetrics...)
We offer you:
- 1-month Expanded Role training
- 24/7 personalized support
- Competitive global salary
- Travel fees and accomodation
- Temporary or permanent positions
Interested in being part of Solutions Nursing’s team? Apply now!
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Solutions Nursing L.F.C. Inc.
Fondé en 2003, Solutions Nursing se spécialise dans la formation et le placement du personnel infirmier dans le Grand Nord du Québec et du Nunavut. L’entreprise est reconnue pour sa formation en rôle élargi et son Soluguide. Visez l’excellence, joignez-vous à l’équipe nordique #1 au...
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