We are looking for Certified WebFocus Developer (Dev Studio) with at least 3 years’ experience in WebFocus Developments. Solid knowledge of SQL, Solid knowledge of databases.

The Candidate should have expertise in executing day-to day programming activities, including Web FOCUS report development, maintenance, testing, deployment/rollout, bug fixing.


  • Experience and understanding of data design.
  • Driver, utilizes WebFOCUS V8.1 from Information Builders Inc. as its core architecture. Experience with SQL, Business Objects skills should help adoption of using Driver.
  • Ability to develop technical requirements from business requirements for reporting
  • 3 or more years’ work experience in report development
  • Understand the concepts used in report development such as joining data tables and defining the Boolean logic for any complex selection criteria and creating virtual fields for a report.
  • Has worked within an Operational Data Store (ODS) environment
  • SQL experience

  • Job Location
  • Company
The location shown on the map is approximate and is included for information purposes only.

SRA Technologies

Notre société de technologies de l’information, avec des bureaux d’un océan à l’autre, se classe parmi les acteurs majeurs du secteur des TI. Notre portée commerciale et nos capacités nous permettent de recruter des consultants extrêmement talentueux dans toute...

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